debt settlement Archives | Pasadena Bankruptcy Attorney
31 01, 2020

Don’t Let Debt Settlement Companies Scare You!


If you find yourself in financial trouble, you may be avoiding bankruptcy. In fact, debt settlement might seem like a better option. However, debt settlement companies prey on consumers' fears of filing bankruptcy. So, what should you do? We recommend that you do research and weigh all of your options before making a decision. Debt [...]

Don’t Let Debt Settlement Companies Scare You!2023-07-22T09:40:40+00:00
5 07, 2019

Should I Use a Credit Agency as a Bankruptcy Alternative?


If you are struggling with debt, you are probably weighing your options to see what will work best for you. This is exactly what you should be doing. However, you should know that credit counseling businesses can only help so much. For example, they are unable to negotiate with the IRS. They also cannot help [...]

Should I Use a Credit Agency as a Bankruptcy Alternative?2023-07-22T10:48:25+00:00
12 10, 2018

Wait! Before you try debt settlement, here’s what you should know!  What Debt Settlement Companies Don’t Want you to know.


If you are thinking about hiring a debt settlement company, there are important things that you need to consider. First, you will want to understand how debt settlement works. What is debt settlement? Debt settlement is a process where you and your creditors work together to settle a delinquent amount. You can do this on […]

Wait! Before you try debt settlement, here’s what you should know!  What Debt Settlement Companies Don’t Want you to know.2023-07-22T11:45:23+00:00
17 08, 2018

Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy: What is the Best Option?


We have many people come to our office looking for a new solution. They often have tried debt settlement on their own or used a debt settlement company. What they often find is that they did not have enough cash on hand to make the requested payment to the credit card company. In other cases, the […]

Debt Settlement vs. Bankruptcy: What is the Best Option?2023-07-22T11:58:21+00:00
25 08, 2017

Debt Settlement: Is It The Right Choice For Me?


If you have debt, you might be considering a debt settlement company. Before you contact a debt settlement company, there are some things you should know before you call one. Debt settlement companies promise to save money on the repayment of your debt. However, they often tack on hidden fees that add up quickly. In fact, [...]

Debt Settlement: Is It The Right Choice For Me?2023-07-22T12:57:00+00:00